
The Good Shepherd Home is a non-profit organisation that has been servicing Townsville and surrounding regions since 1972. The Home’s early financing was by way of public appeals, and we continue to fundraise to upgrade and expand the facilities for our residents.

All donations made to the Home are a valuable resource. These donations will allow the Home to continue to provide the best possible service and care.

The Home carries a deductible gift status and all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donations of all sizes are gratefully received and can be expended as per your instructions.

Electronic donations can be made directly into The Good Shepherd Home’s Gift Fund bank account at:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Account Name: The Good Shepherd Limited

BSB: 064-823

Account: 10543590

Reference: Donation “Your Last Name”

Please email a copy of your transfer to if you would like a receipt.

If you wish to make another type of donation, please contact us.